Tutorials Email

Add an email account on your Iphone or Ipad in the Mail app

Add an email account on your Iphone or Ipad in the Mail app

Views 1556Updated 2 yearsPublished 13/07/2022by Mihai Bobriuc


  • In this tutorial we are going to show you how to add an email account in the Mail app on your Iphone/Ipad.


  • Email account, password, and email account settings.


  • We open the Mail application from our device and select Other


Deschidere aplicatie mail


  • On the next page we will select the IMAP/POP3 protocol (in our case IMAP), and then add the name, email address, account password and a brief description.


Selectare protocol


  • On the page that follows we will configure the e-mail server for incoming/outgoing. The e-mail server in our case is mail.hostico.ro, the user is the full address florin.petran@hostico.ro and password related to the account, and then click Next at the top of the screen.


Configurare server de mail


  • The server checks the settings, and then we can save the account addition by clicking save at the top of the screen.


Salvare cont de mail

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