
Manual WordPress Installation

Presentation of a manual WordPress installation process

Views 3385Updated 23 zilePublished on 11/04/2018by Florin Petran


This tutorial explains the necessary steps for the manual installation of the WordPress platform.


  • Access to the cPanel account.
  • WordPress archive, which can be downloaded from the official page: https://wordpress.org/download/ .
  • MySQL database, database user, and the associated password.


1. Downloading the WordPress Archive

Descărcare WordPress

2. Uploading the archive in cPanel

  • Log in to your cPanel account, then navigate to the File Manager section.
  • In File Manager, access the public_html directory or the directory related to an addon domain/subdomain, then upload the WordPress archive.
  • Click on Upload and select the downloaded file locally.

Încărcare arhivă WordPress

3. Extracting files

  • After uploading the archive, return to the public_html directory, select the archive, and click on Extract.
  • Choose the location where you want to extract the files, for example, in public_html.

Dezarhivare fișiere WordPress

4. Moving the files to the correct directory

  • The extracted files will be placed in a subdirectory named wordpress. Select all files in this directory and move them to public_html.
  • Use the Move button and change the path from /public_html/wordpress to /public_html.

Mutare fișiere WordPress

5. Configuring the wp-config.php file

  • Rename the file wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php. Select the file, click on Rename, enter the new name, and confirm.
  • Edit the wp-config.php file to enter the database details:
    • define('DB_NAME', 'database_name');
    • define('DB_USER', 'database_user');
    • define('DB_PASSWORD', 'database_password');

Editare fișier wp-config.php

6. Completing the installation

  • Access your domain in a browser (e.g. https://hostico.ro) to initiate the WordPress installation.
  • Select the desired language and follow the steps in the installation interface to set up the user, password, and email address.
  • After completing the installation, you will receive a confirmation and you will be able to access the WordPress admin panel by clicking on Log In.

Instalare WordPress

Instalare WordPress reușită

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