Configuring the Redis Object Cache module in WordPress.
In this tutorial, we will present the necessary steps for implementing the Redis Object module in the WordPress panel.
◦ Redis is an in-memory data storage system, known for its high speed and efficiency in managing data.
◦ An essential aspect of Redis is its use as a cache memory, frequently utilized to improve application performance by reducing data access time.
◦ Additionally, Redis offers support for functionalities such as pub/sub, transactions, and persistence, which makes it a popular choice for developers looking to build scalable and resilient applications.
◦ Access to the Wordpress admin panel.
◦ Access to the CPanel admin panel
Instructions for installing the module.
1. To configure Redis Object in the WordPress panel, we will need to log into the WordPress admin interface. ◦ After logging into the WordPress admin panel, we look for the Plugins section on the left side.
◦ Then, we click on Add New Plugin.
2. Search and activate the Redis module
◦ In the next step, we search in the right-hand bar for the name Redis in the Search Plugins section.
◦ After finding it, we click on Activate.
3. Editing the wp-config.php file in cPanel
◦ After activating the module, we will access cPanel by clicking on the File Manager section.
◦ Then we search for the public_html folder and edit the wp-config.php file by right-clicking on it.
4. Adding lines in wp-config.php
◦ To enable Redis Object Cache, add the following lines to the wp-config.php file:
define ('WP_REDIS_HOST' , 'localhost');
◦ Note: UTILIZATOR_CPANEL and PAROLA_USER must be replaced with the data obtained after opening a ticket at In this ticket, you will request the user and password for connecting to the Redis server.
5. Activating Redis Object Cache in WordPress
◦ After obtaining the aforementioned data, we return to the WordPress administration panel. We access the Installed Plugins section.
◦ We search for the Redis Object plugin and access its settings by clicking on Settings.
6. Checking the correct installation of the plugin
◦ The last step to check if the module has been installed correctly is to click the Enable Object Cache button. It will inform us whether the module is correctly installed or not.
7. Installation Confirmation
◦ If all three statuses are positive, then Redis Object Cache has been successfully installed.