I. Description
II. Allocated Resources
III. Purpose
IV. Enforcement of Restrictions
V. Restrictions
VI. Account Suspensions
VII. Questions
VIII. Upgrading Vs. Problem Solving
IX. Dedicated IP vs Shared IP
I. Description
In our attempt to prevent overloads that can negatively affect the response time of websites, we have configured specific resource limits for each shared web hosting plan. The implications of this resource usage policy have an impact on large resource consumers, preventing them from overloading the servers. It is noteworthy that server abuse is not limited only to exceeding the imposed limits, but the determination of abuse is at Hostico's discretion. The usage policy is applied to shared web hosting and reseller web accounts.
II. Allocated Resources
The resources of hosting accounts on a reseller account are equivalent to Default resources.
- CPU - Percentage available per core
- PHPMem - Allocated PHP Memory
- MySQL - Maximum MySQL connections/user
- pMem - Physical Memory
- I/O - SSD write/read speed
- nProc - Maximum number of simultaneous processes
- EP - Concurrent web connections
- IOPS - SSD read/write operations per second
CPU Usage
Whether the web page is static or dynamic, the server's processor is used to retrieve and display that page to its visitors. When a web page is automatically created by a script, the level of CPU usage increases because it has to build the entire page. It needs to load the template, fetch the data specific to that page from the database, execute the installed plugins or modules, and finally assemble the page for display.
Since CPU time is a finite resource shared by all accounts on a server, if any of those accounts excessively use the CPU, the other sites on that server will not be able to display within a relatively short time, appearing to load slowly, even choppily, so we monitor the CPU resource usage level of the shared accounts to prevent issues that may arise from excessive CPU usage by a single account.
RAM Usage
The RAM is the place where scripts and data are stored during their execution. The maximum level of RAM that a server can have is fixed. That amount of RAM is shared among the accounts on the server. All programs running on the server, including the server itself, need this memory. If scripts are large or require a high amount of RAM to run, they will compete to obtain the desired amount of RAM, which is used by all scripts on the server. Thus, RAM is another resource for which usage limitations will be imposed.
When accessing the website, PHP scripts will be executed by the PHP processor to obtain and display information for the visitor. Obtaining and displaying consists of connecting to the database, requesting the relevant information for display, processing the information, preparing the site interface, and finally displaying the result. All these operations consume a smaller or larger amount of PHP memory depending on the complexity of the owned website.
Applications connect to MySQL databases to obtain, update, and delete information. Depending on the purpose of the application, a certain number of operations will dominate over the others; however, typically, this operation is the retrieval. Each such connection is counted by MySQL, allowing multiple operations of different types to be executed concurrently. Depending on the level of optimization of both the requests and the database, the duration of these requests can vary from a few milliseconds to several tens of seconds. Obviously, the desired situation is when these requests take only a few milliseconds so that the desired information can be quickly retrieved and displayed to the visitor. Depending on the level of optimization, the application can run a certain number of concurrent requests, with a maximum of 15 allowed.
We consider that applications that are either not optimized or have high traffic and require more than 15 concurrent connections need to be migrated to dedicated solutions (VPS, Dedicated Server) to avoid affecting other clients on the shared server.
Represents the physical memory consumed directly by applications to perform the desired operations.
Input/Output represents the read/write speed on the hard disk that the application will not be able to exceed.
The number of processes that can run on the hosting account.
An Ep (entry process) represents a visitor's connection to the site. As soon as this connection is served (it receives a response by accessing a PHP script/upload file), the EP is closed. The number of EP represents the maximum number of available simultaneous connections but not the number of available simultaneous visitors. Depending on the optimization level of the application, the EP can be opened and closed in less than a second, thus allowing the maintenance of a high number of simultaneous visitors on the website.
IOPS represents the number of access operations (read/write) performed within one second on a hard disk.
In the event that one of the accounts, specifically the application on an account, regularly uses the account's resources at maximum levels for extended periods of time, the owner will be contacted to resolve the situation either by optimizing the application to reduce resource consumption or by upgrading to a package with a higher level of resources, possibly even dedicated.
III. Purpose
It should be noted that these limitations are imposed to protect you as a client from service interruptions. The vast majority of accounts will not feel the existence of these limitations. If you believe these limitations may affect the functionality of the services, please contact one of the Hostico representatives to establish optimal settings and/or for various suggestions regarding these aspects.
IV. Enforcement of Restrictions
These restrictions are automatically imposed upon account creation. In the event that one of the accounts runs consistently close to the imposed limits, the account holder will be notified and decisions will be made together regarding the resolution of these issues.
However, we reserve the right specified in the Terms and Conditions to suspend the account if it causes serious problems and/or violates other policies and regulations of Hostico.
V. Restrictions
Hostico servers cannot and will not be used as storage systems, with only a single backup of the account allowed to be stored on the respective account.
Reselling hosting services is not allowed on Shared accounts. If the client wishes to do this, they will need to purchase a Reseller package.
Adult Sites
Hosting, mentioning, or directing to adult sites is completely prohibited on the Hostico network. If you want hosting for such content, you will need to contact specialized companies in this field.
Chat/IRC Applications
Interactive chat applications are prohibited on Hostico servers. This includes, but is not limited to, chat applications written in PHP, Perl, Flash, CGI, Python, Ruby, etc. Chat boxes, shout boxes, live help/live chat applications (such as Livezilla), and other similar applications are strictly prohibited.
Web applications and web scripts
As a webmaster, it is the client's responsibility to evaluate and periodically update the applications they own to ensure their integrity. Forums or any other applications that allow the submission of comments must have a protection or SPAM moderation module. CAPTCHA is a very popular method to stop bots from submitting SPAM messages.
- Hosting accounts must only be used for the purpose of hosting websites. They cannot be used as storage or backup units for other remote websites.
- All installed applications must be updated continuously.
- Accounts will be suspended if they run outdated scripts that are constantly exploited.
- Each hosting package is limited to a certain number of simultaneous web connections.
Data for dynamic web pages is usually kept in databases. A database server such as MySQL manages the databases and provides the information requested by the site's scripts. Database servers have a limited number of connections they can accept within a certain time. When too many query requests are made simultaneously, the database server will run out of resources and will not be able to respond to those queries. This usually happens when the site is highly accessed or when a less efficient script is used (for example, it has multiple queries for each page it displays), or both.
- The databases will be used only for accounts hosted in the Hostico network
- Databases must use indexes
- Up to 15 concurrent MySQL connections are allowed.
- The maximum size of a MySQL database cannot exceed 1GB.
- Remote access to databases is granted only for administrative purposes.
Customers can set their own cron jobs, however these processes should not run more frequently than every 5 minutes and their running time should not represent half of the time needed for the next run. Any cron job that consumes resources and affects system stability can be disabled by our technicians. If the cron job exceeds the imposed CPU limits, the cron job will be disabled.
Email and Mailing Lists
Using Hostico's servers and network for sending unsolicited commercial messages (spam) is strictly prohibited. Sending spam will not be accepted or tolerated under any circumstances.
Sending SPAM messages from Hostico's servers and network can cause irreparable financial and reputational damage. All damages caused by SPAM will be borne by the client.
Any client who uses their account to send spam may have their account suspended without prior notice.
- Sending emails with attachments larger than 25 MB is not allowed.
- We do not allow sending messages to purchased or received mailing lists from various individuals. This is spam, and we have zero tolerance for it.
- All messages sent to a mailing list must contain an unsubscribe link, and this unsubscription must be processed automatically.
- The SMTP gateway must be used only for the domains you have hosted with us. Sending emails with FROM addresses different from those of the owned domains is not permitted.
- If the hosting and/or mail account is exploited by spammers, it may be suspended without prior notice.
- If the local network is infected and sends spam, the account may be suspended without prior notice.
- Mailing lists with more than 5000 members require a VPS or dedicated server. They cannot be run from shared accounts.
- Sending newsletters to more than 1000 members is advisable to be done either after 21:00 during the week or only on weekends.
- Using a maximum of 25 CC/BCC addresses is allowed.
- All mailing lists must contain the confirmation date of member subscriptions as well as the IP addresses from which the confirmation was made.
- Email messages generated from the site forms or through various scripts must be sent using SMTP authentication. The PHP mail function is disabled by default and can only be activated upon request on VPS hosting; however, its use is discouraged. Emails sent through the mail function will generally be marked as spam and will affect your IP's reputation.
Shared web hosting customers will not benefit from SSH access on Hostico servers.
The services / websites mentioned below consume a lot of resources and should only be run in dedicated environments (VPS server, dedicated). All websites that violate these rules may be stopped without prior notice. If you are unsure or believe that the website violates these rules, you can contact one of the Hostico representatives.
- SEO farms or similar are strictly forbidden on Hostico servers.
- Banner services and link exchange networks are prohibited on Hostico servers.
- Providing free services of: file storage, email services, or hosting is strictly prohibited.
- Using accounts as systems for storing personal information is prohibited
- Running public mirrors is prohibited
- Running a proxy or anonymizer, whether publicly or privately accessible, is not allowed.
- Websites about: hacking, warez, or that promote illegal activities are prohibited
- Bittorrent applications, trackers, and any other file sharing activities are prohibited
- Running game servers is prohibited
- Running web spiders and indexers is prohibited
VI. Account Suspensions
Hostico will contact the account holder to resolve the identified issues. In case of a major emergency, the account may be suspended prior to contacting the account holder. Refusal or failure to comply with these terms may result in the suspension or even deletion of the account (with or without a refund of the amounts paid, this being at Hostico's discretion). All accounts on the Hostico network must comply with these rules. We reserve the right to delete any account without prior notice. If your account is deleted for violating these rules, you waive your right to a refund, including any amounts paid in advance.
VII. Questions
The examples listed here are just a point of reference. If you have a question regarding the status of the content/services of the site, please contact one of the Hostico representatives for clarification.
If the account has been suspended due to excessive resource usage and this abusive usage cannot be resolved by deleting or replacing a script, you will be offered an upgrade to a VPS server. If you do not wish to proceed with this upgrade, then the account will remain suspended until the traffic is reduced, in order to eliminate the resource consumption. In the meantime, a backup of the account will be provided for the purpose of relocating it.
VIII. Upgrading Vs. Problem Solving
In most cases where the account has been suspended for abusive resource use, you will receive an email specifying the steps you can take to resolve the issue. Most of the time, problems can be solved by optimizing applications and databases, but if the site has experienced an increase in the number of visits, you might consider upgrading to a VPS package.
Hostico is here to provide assistance in resolving any issues you may have. Of course, resolving some of them may take longer. The best advice we can give you is to try to work with and not against Hostico technicians, who are trying to assist you in resolving the problems.
IX. Dedicated IP vs Shared IP
Hosting accounts that do not benefit from a Dedicated IP automatically have a Shared IP. The difference between a Dedicated IP and a Shared IP is, at first glance, quite simple; those with a Dedicated IP have their own IP while those with a Shared IP share the IP with other hosting accounts on the same equipment which, in turn, also have a Shared IP. Overall, however, there are several differences between the two configurations, with using a Dedicated IP offering the following advantages:
- Own PTR on IP - Useful for sending email messages, it's a plus for mail server filters
- SEO Optimization - SEO optimization consists of many elements, each having its own importance. A Dedicated IP is one of the many requirements, thus possessing it represents a plus
- Avoiding blacklists - Since you are using your own IP, it practically removes the possibility of it being listed in a blacklist, of course only if you do not send unsolicited messages, that is, if your site is not infected.
The above points do not apply in the case of a Shared IP, especially regarding being included in a blacklist. On a shared IP, the actions of other customers concerning the IP directly affect you. If unsolicited messages are sent or one of the accounts is infected, the associated IP is listed in a blacklist, and the customer's activity is implicitly affected. Hosting accounts that do not inherently include a Dedicated IP can have one added at the time of purchase.